I have a few of these ready, this release schedule will not be my usual speed, I hope you enjoy Ben's predicament
Don't ask for Whom the Bell Tolls Ben
home Ben quickly settled back into what had become a Summer of leisure
and relaxation instead of the expected college preparation.
He was staying in bed
most of the days and seemed to get up almost exactly when his Dad
arrived home from work most days. Jackie was worried something was wrong.
"Justin this just isn't like Ben, he's a driven 4.0 student, I think something's wrong"
just leave him be, he could have been killed, let him readjust, Summer
will be over soon and then he's going to College he just needs a break.
The fact is he hasn't been driven except by your constant badgering, you've
been pushing him ever since he left kindergarten"
Jackie's face dropped, "Well he
needed it Justin if I hadn't pushed him he'd be going to some crappy state college, not
MIT, and his future wouldn't be as bright as it is, I want the best four our son, let's not skip over the fact that your
fucking experiments almost killed my Ben, why didn't you tell me what
your lab was working on? That's your son you bastard"
fuck you, the only reason I got him that internship is because you
demanded it, bitched about it, and then went on sex strike. Then
you wouldn't even sleep in the same bed with me until I couldn't take it any
longer, so to get some peace and
quiet and one lousy passionless fuck a week I gave in. I told you dozens of times I didn't think it was appropriate but I
couldn't tell you why because it's top secret and then I'd have risked my
clearance and the job that funds the lifestyle you believe you're
entitled too"
Upstairs Ben was sleeping but their
raised voices faintly drifted up to his bedroom. No matter how faint they sounded something
in his subconscious registered everything that was being said. The tinnitus that was only noticeable at night intensified as a smile grew on Ben's face and his
body started to warm.
Ben hadn't told anyone but he was having
vivid dreams every night. He'd wake up drenched in sweat and didn't seem
to ever feel rested during his waking hours. Ben was nauseous all the time and between the hidden vomiting and lack of appetite he'd
started to lose weight, in fact he'd lost so much weight his clothes barely fit him anymore. Bend just put it down to the trauma from the accident, he'd had enough of
hospitals and doctors, he decided to ignore it and let it go away on it's
In his dreams he felt like he was another person, a better
person, someone who was in charge of their own life, who got what they
wanted just by asking. In his dreams he was powerful, popular, and
adored by everyone, he didn't have to be nice, he didn't have to earn things they just
seemed to appear as if by magic. In his dreams everyone was eager to fulfill his every
wish. His dream persona acted like a spoiled entitled asshole,
pushing people around, talking down to everyone even people they knew they were supposed to respect and defer to.
Every morning Ben would awake to a massive erection
and he'd masturbate until it went down, which took longer and longer
until his orgasms started to sync up perfectly with when he heard his
father's voice as he arrived home from work. Ben was scared but he
couldn't tell anyone they'd think he was going crazy and he couldn't
stop, he was becoming addicted to this.
Later that week the tinnitus grew to a crescendo
and a sleeping Ben grimaced, the noise ceased abruptly. In his
dream Ben saw a pair of beautiful full, glossy, red smoking lips, he thought he could see
them mouthing something. Then then he heard the seductive voice, quietly at first.
"I am you, you are me, we are one"
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