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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Voila, Dakota's Misty Summer, Part II

 "So Vicki what do you think?", Misty twirled showing off yet another outfit, one of many she tried since commandeering the young lady now languishing in post orgasmic bliss in the changing room

"You look amazing", Vicki was still in the grips of post orgasm daze, she thought Misty looked gorgeous in everything, "everything about you is amazing Misty", she looked her in awe. 

Misty vainly another snapped another selfie in the mirror, she loved how she looked now "Fuck, my ass looks incredible in these pants, I'll take them," she waved her arms, "Fuck it, I'll take everything you brought me, you have a great eye V", Vicki beamed goofily at the praise from this goddess.

Even with Vicki's employee discount Dakota's credit cards were going to scream but she'd lived a frugal life up to this point. She had spent the past four years saving up a lot of money to buy a house, but Misty really needed these clothes more. This was just a necessary reallocation of resources, a pivot Misty thought. Anyways Misty had a plan formulating in her mind that would take care of all her needs. She just had to put that plan into action. She pressed the send button on her phone and sent a text.

Dakota opened the changing room door and saw the two waiting peons sat gossiping. 

"Stop messing about and get my bags packed up I want to pay", she turned and winked at Vicki, "hurry up, I don't have all day to wait for your incompetence, I'm tired and need to rest", she looked back at Vicki, "thank you for everything V, I have never had my needs met like this in any shop, you're the perfect sales woman," she kissed V gently

 "I'll be sure to ask for you next time I need assistance here, I'll take these two bags now, send the rest along there's my address and phone number", she winked seductively. 

"Anything for you Misty", Vicki would do anything to ensure Misty's satisfaction.

In the taxi Misty called Viola's, she needed to dicuss some matters with Raven. After a long and fruitful phone conversation Misty arranged a regular follow up appointment when she felt her phone vibrate, looking at the incoming notification a smile crept over her face. "I'll see you soon Raven but I've got to go, something came up that I've got to take care of", she hung up and looked at the text that she'd just recieved, Mr Taylor had taken her bait, now to reel him in.

"I'm sorry but my son has graduated, I don't understand why you'd need a Parent Teacher conference now"

Smiling she replied quickly, "We're sorry about the unusual nature of this request but I'm afraid this is a delicate matter, we don't want to get the authorities involved and create a scandal Mr Taylor", she knew reputation was very important to men like him. 

"I'm a busy man, this is a huge inconvenience"

"I'd be happy to come to you"

"Well I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow and have a free evening, can you make it to my house by 5"

"That would be perfect, I'd love to dicuss this with you and Mrs Taylor, would Jack be there?"

"It's just me, my wife and Jack are away on vacation", Raven had told her Mrs Taylor had gone on a summer long trip with her son. 

"That's a shame, but I am happy to talk to you one on one about this matter"

"Fine", he agreed begrudgingly.

Misty had just enough time to go home and get ready before her rendezvous.

As her car dropped her off at the Taylor's area, Misty looked up at the building in front of her.

"Nice place Jack, this isn't a home, it's a 5 star hotel, Daddy has done well for himself"

She checked her makeup and straightened up her outfit.

"Okay Misty, it's go time"

Walking up to the building the sound of heels on the pavement were like a hypnotic drum beat, she could understood why Jack didn't care at school, he knew he had all this to back him up. There was no jeopardy in his life, if he ever failed, if he ever faltered, Daddy would always be there to provide for and protect him.

She couldn't wait to see inside his privileged world, to get a taste of this level of decadence.

Guest services let her in without question, her aura and poise said she belonged here, Dakota would have never got past this point she would have had to wait to be accompanied, Misty swept past without barely pausing. Misty he was pleased to discover that the Taylor was the Penthouse, an avaricious smile appeared on her face as she entered the luxurious elevator.

The elevator arrived at the Taylor's residence floor, the ding sent a shiver of anticipation up her spine as an assured smile spread across her face, the doors opened.

Standing in front of her was Jack's dad. Misty paused sizing up Mr Taylor, she could see where Jack got his good looks, despite being in his early 50's, just old enough to be her own father. Mr Taylor's body showed few signs of aging. He was a man who obviously took care of himself, money was no object to him. He wore an obviously expensive designer suit that accentuated rather than hid his toned well exercised body. Misty felt a warmth spread through her she felt her pussy grow wetter.

"Okay Ms....", Mr Taylor looked up and stopped midsentence, "..Ms Harding?". Mr Taylor had very little input on Jack's schooling, his schedule and wealth allowed him to outsource his son's upbringing to nanny's, his absentee wife, and the education system, but he did recall Jack's teacher being a dumpy plain woman he met once at orientation, back when he was more hands on. 

"Not quite Mr Taylor, I'm afraid Ms Harding retired, I'm her replacement", Misty smiled

"Retired, she barely looked 30", he squinted

"That's why I'm here", inwardly Misty reveled in this game, "Jack was responsible for her early retirement"

"Look Jack is just a boy", instantly Mr Taylor went on the defensive, "if she can't handle teaching and gets scared away by the students, that's hardly my or Jack's fault", he sensed a shakedown and there was no way he was going to allow it to happen, he negotiated Billion Dollar mergers before breakfast, "if she wasn't emotionally strong enough to cope with teaching I think Jack did her a favor"

"Oh I agree, he definitely did her a favor", Misty closed the distance until she was looking up into Mr Taylor's eyes, "he helped her see the world in a different light"

"What are you taking about?"

"He gave her a voucher for Voila", a smile crept on to Misty's face

Mr Taylor's jaw slackened as the realization of what his son had done hit him, "I only told him about Voila so he could send one of those girls he sleeps with, maybe get more of a serious relationship, I never thought he'd send his teacher, I'm not responsible for..."

"Oh but you are Mr Taylor", she placed a hand on his chin and lifted his face up to look at hers, "you failed to raise your son properly and so he ridiculed his teacher, belittled her, made her leave"

"It's just a place women go to get a haircut"

"That's not all it is", her tone grew harder, "is it?"

"I believe they help with life coaching"

"They help people all right", Misty sneered, "They helped me"

"You,", he almost fell back shaking his head in wide eyed disbelief, "no, no, no...", his voice trailed off becoming barely a whisper

"What are you talking about....", the realization had hit Mr Taylor like a tonne of bricks, ".....Miss....Ms. Harding is that really, it can't be....", he looked at her dumbfounded in awe, she saw his suit pants start to bulge, 'just what I expected' she smiled.

She leapt at him grabbing his face, cutting him off with a passionate kidd, "Ms Harding is retired for good, I'm her superior replacement Misty and I am rarely bored nowadays because I know what I want and I know how to get it.....", he struggled against her, but his resistance was half hearted at best, "and right now what i want is you Mr. Taylor", her hands guided him to her firm ripe ass

"I'm a married man Ms..Mi..Misty..."

"I know, but Raven told me everything. That you were never here with Mrs Taylor. That you'd grown bored of her, ", she said biting his lip hard,

"that's why you know about Voila's isn't it", looking into his eyes, " of course you didn't just send Mrs Taylor there did you?"

"It''s not like that..."

"Shhhh it's okay Mr Taylor, I know all about men like you, I had a chat with Raven about you and your projects, it was quite illuminating, seems like Jack has inherited some of Daddy's proclivities"

"You don't understand, my wife, she wanted to spice up our sex life, you see she... but she wouldn't let Raven help... wouldn't let Raven fully awaken her, none of them would"

Misty smiled, "I never had that choice did I Mr Taylor"

"I paid! Fuck, I paid extra, but they always wanted to stop short, they wanted to be in control", he cast his eyes down, "they wouldn't go far enough, they set too many limits"

"Stupid little Bitches", Misty laughed wickedly, "your son, he made sure I wouldn't be given that choice"

Her eyes rolled back in her head remembering her own moment of awakening, the freedom, the pleasure, "they didn't know what was good for them, but Raven, she showed me the truth", Misty stepped back to look at this man, "being the bitch is everything to me, I'd do anything to be your bitch, I will do anything for you Mr Taylor"

"Anything?", his eyes darkened

"Anything you want, anything you request,  I'll be whatever and whomever you want, if you want me to", Misty knew that allowing him the illusion of control was everything, "just tell me what you want Daddy", Raven's advice had given her the tools to push him over the edge. 

"I want you now", he pulled off Misty's jacket and started to attack her with passionate lust filled kisses, his hands roaming her body. "Fuck my wife, fuck Jack, and fuck Dakota, I want to fuck you", Misty smiled wickedly in satisfaction at her victory, all it took was a little nudge. 

"Take me on your marital bed, I want you to fuck me on there and I'll let you do things to me she would never do", she looked at him with big eyes, "I'll be your perfect Sugar Baby Daddy"

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