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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Eye of the Beholder

Theoretical Psychology was the toughest class in our school.
I was determined not only to pass it but to astound everyone and to eventually change basic principles in the world.

My whole life everybody had always made assumptions about me just because I looked like the image of the good looking normal girl next door.
The thing most people didn't know was that I was anything but normal, in fact I was very much your top tier Einstein level genius. I was sick of being treated like some dumb teen bimbo. I knew I was going to ace this course, even inspite of the superior bitch of a Professor who taught the class. You would think being another woman she would understand my predicament and be able to see past appearances and see my true substance. If anything she was even worse than the rest, I knew it was because she was threatened by my appearance.

"Professor Plym I'd come up with a new take on behavior and how interaction affects it, one that I think may change the our field"

"Melanie this work you've submitted, what exactly is this 'theory' you're trying to prove?"

"Professor I'm showing that intelligence and attractiveness is subjective based upon the observer"

"That's ludicrous", she rolled her eyes and took a deep sigh, "of course I'm objectively smarter than you and you're significantly younger than me, and objectively more attractive, clearly those are objective facts", she hasn't even read the paper in depth, "I'm afraid there is nothing subjective about the matter, you'll need to find a different thesis my dear"

"I'm sure that's not the case Patricia", clearly she wasn't going to listen to anything I had to say, I'd have to influence her to my way of thinking, you see as well as underestimating the level of my intellect Professor Plym didn't know I'd been doing some private research. My research had uncovered a strong correlation between Alpha level minds and objective reality.  It appeared as if Alpha's minds could literally bend the reality of a localized area, including their companion, to their desire. I had discovered that beauty is in the eye of the beholder wasn't just some whimsical romantic saying. In fact like many 'old wives' tales' it had a basis in fact, it had originally been coined with Alphas powers in mind.  It was the reason that Alphas always ended up with ideal partners. It was no accident, their partners didn't always start out that way, the Alpha had created their own reality, just no one had ever realised that in this case correlation was indeed because of causation not happen stance. I mean look around at all the successful dominant people in the world and they are always with a stunning partner, some might say this is how the world works, beautiful people are attracted to dominant powerful people, but I know the truth, the Alphas had created their ideal partner plucked from the world around them, they might not know they were doing it but I'd found the truth about the world and about me.

My professor's face started to change, her skin started to smooth, the lines on her face faded as her skin's elasticity started to return, and any imperfections disappeared. 

"I just don't think I see any merit to....ooooh, these", her hands gripped the table making her knuckles whiten, and the wrinkles on her fingers smoothed as her nails lengthened into perfect French manicured claws "errr, oh my God, assertions"

The changes continued as her hair grew thicker and more lustrous, her shirt started to strain against her growing chest as her breasts got fuller and perkier.

"I'm not sure I, oooh, I.." she bit her lip as pleasure cascaded through her, "understand your thingie at all Melanie"

"No I'm sure you don't Patricia"

"Aren't, I your Professor though, shouldn't you address me, like formally babe"

"We're not just Professor and student we're friends, remember?"

"Like totally Mel", the changes were growing more pronounced, she got up and walked to her bookcase, "I keep these here so everyone will think I'm smart and stuff, I don't even know what most of these books are about"

"It's okay Patricia darling, no one expects you to know everything, as the youngest Professor on campus you're only expected to be sexy eye candy so your classes are always full and the faculty have someone to lust after", I saw a smile creep across her face as new memories formed in her mind, "and you fulfill that role perfectly Patricia"

"Are you flirting with me Mel" she said licking her lips seductively, "because that's like totally inappropriate", she sat back in her chair with a contented smile on her face. 

"No it's not inappropriate Patricia", I stalked around her desk my hand tracing it's edge seductively like it was tracing the lines of Patricia's newly toned body, "this is just your favourite student presenting a simple hypothesis to her favourite Professor"

"Of course Mel, I'm just a silly girl sometimes", Patricia blushed at her mistake as heat rose through her body. 

"This is just a practical demonstration", I walked up and cupped her jaw in my hand and leant in.

Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped open, "Melanie, we caaa...", she was cut off as my lips met hers

My tongue invaded her warm inviting mouth and brushed against her full soft lips, her heard a soft moan as her eyes closed in sudden rapture. 

"Hmmm, I think we still have to do more research", she arched her back and I felt her hard nipples pushing against me, "but I think there definitely might be something here, maybe we can discuss this in more depth at my apartment"

That night myself and Professor Plym hammered out my hypothesis ironing out a few kinks until we were both thoroughly satisfied with the basis of my theory, Patricia was very particularly happy with the foundation of my work and was looking forward to testing the limits of it's applications.